Tuesday, November 8

finally, back to school.

i missed school life, not school. i missed the days whereby we'll jio each other to jups for a drink.. or biz park for snacks.. and ice-cream after lessons.. journey 72 home, talking and laughing non-stop...

simply love my timetable this semester. finally, one day off from school. those pple would love to change with me. thursday off. how nice for THEM to go clubbing. so slack that i really dunno how i managed to survive for the past 5 semesters.

anyway, our school sports complex is REALLY lousy, horrible as in they dun have lockers. they do, but limited. only a few, some were spoilt. all VERY small.. so if i want to do sports, of course i will bring a bigger bag. make sense? then they DO NOT provide BIGGER lockers. what's their problem man.. and noone can help to look after our bags for a short while, not even in the office. like wth. we pay so much for miscellaneous fees, then cannot get lockers. and we're willing to pay okay! so irritating. waste my time. complain to who? SAAD?

saw kevin at one-stop and he told me that they handed over. so i guess that means i am not supposed to go back anymore, or it goes to show that i no longer belong. (As if i ever was)

watever it is, i'm glad i joined, for even a short time. even when others are putting in 100X extra effort than me, even when i felt guilty of sharing their achievement. till the point that i felt luck running out.

this attachment brought me into a different phase. another part in life that makes me realise and NOT take for granted all the things that happened. maybe it's juz the passing of time, not the completion of SIP.

planning for the future. sometimes i wonder why we should. future comes one day at a time, and tomorrow comes, regardless whether i think about it or not. it doesnt make sense. or maybe i juz sprouting nonsense.

recently, i kept hearing Twinz (si xing bu gai) and William Soh (jiu ai hai shi zui mei).. used to love to sing them but i stopped. too much of somthing is irritating. juz like happiness, AND pressure.

Ms Ng called me to ask me to work this week. so they cant find anyone who is willing to work this week. so they turn to me. i'm nt willing to help if i dun feel up to it. why should i? money is something that i can never finish earning and my well-being cant be bought with cash. so why should i make myself tired, irritable and miserable?

i'm planning to eliminate unhappy things about my life from this nonsense blog. but i cant think of any happy stuff to write. be prepared to see many more empty posts in the near future, till the day i graduate.

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