Tuesday, October 25

3 more days to the end of MY attachment.. FINALLY.. after 27 weeks..

haven been updating since last week due to the split shifts that cause the long working hours..

so, i celebrated my bdae (again) with Eve, Jo and Tina.. Thanks gers.. the cake was delicious and the prezzie a surprise (raise eyebrows). =P definitely made my day especially after kanna scolding by the mngr during the brunch..

today, work = tired. work 4-12 but i get to go off earlier to catch the last train. speaking of that, i am so lucky to NOT miss the last train at somerset for like 4 times within the past 3 weeks.. thanks to the one staying upstairs, or whoever(whichever, watever) it is..

did abt 50 pax for dinner, rev abt $5000. the turnover for today was so fast that i felt overworked. the table left, i clear, reset, then the host bring in new guests.. it's like never ending work and endless guests... there's 2 guests who came for CRABS! i was like o_O"'.. so we don't serve crabs unless it's the Sunday champagne brunch, which is a sky-high price for high-tea.. so the guest asked for their bill, which comprised of beverage order only. one S'pore sling, one beer and an evian water totaled to abt $45.. i was going like dots.dots.dots.dots.dots.dots.dots... you have to kill me to ask me to pay 45 bucks for water.

and i was so shocked, not becoz guests didnt tip, BUT HE GAVE A 5 CENT COIN! guests from LONDON give 5cents as tips.. *shrug
another dots.dots.dots.dots.dots... but i guess tiping was gd today.. definitely more than $35 for my station.. at the rate we're going, i PRAY HARD that i get like $25 for my next tip.. that'll end off my SIP nicely.. coz $25=1 day's pay=8 hours work=12 hours at the hotel.

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