Thursday, December 22

helped YP with her work as a backstage person with the M&M shows last saturday.. the aussies love s'poreans guy.. they cant stop saying "he's so cute".. they seemed to think that s'porean guys are cute, cool and romantic.. alright.. i'm trying hard not to roll my eyes here.. they like this 'cute' chef who can cook, with horrendous hair colour and tatoo on his hand.. and they want to bring the guy back to australia just because he gave them discounts, and wrote some 'sweet' poem and send it to one of them.. one of the girls ask me.. 'are all s'porean guys so sweet?' hmm... at that moment, i have the urge to intro maurice to them.. lolx.. they'll be swept off their feet... and they'll bring him back to australia without a doubt.. lolx.. so they were telling me that guys who speak English cant write poems for nuts.. but they forgotten something.. that chef can speak english.. if not how else can he come up with some nice 'angelic' poem in that language? they repeated that poem for an entire hour.. -_-"'.. some winged thingy, halo tingy, angel thingy, pretty thingy, haven thingy.... it'll be sweet if they know each other for some time.. but for a guy to send it to a girl whom he knows barely for a week, there's somehting weird.. and well, THEY think that the guy is the best thing that happened to them in the entire singapore, for the entire month!! oh my.. looks like all the campaigns, advertisements and attractions that the govt came up with cant compare to some ah beng chef.. lolx...

okie... paragraphing problem, as usual.. but watever.. btw, the blue is not my whole head duh.. arbo i'll look like an alien.. it's one of the highlighted strands.. and i was told it'll turn to ash color after a while.. PJ is not as siao as u think i've become.. lolx

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