Thursday, November 18

bad news. no more pls.. dun add on to my collection..

the worse news someone can tell me on a day like this came from yiping. olivia suffering from cancer.. it's scary.. scary how the illness robs a young ger of her life, all her life. i shudder juz thinking abt the side effects of the treatments and all.. and to think that a fren is undergoing all that.. i know i am bad, but i find myself wondering if qianyi is guilty now that those "childish bickering" of the past is almost never going to happen again..

the cancer cells hav spread to the whole body. 3rd stage.. they not only take away her vibrant life, but also her dreams and aspirations.. and her hair. 1st thing that comes into my mind when i link olivia and chemo is her precious hair..

she got such a long way ahead of her.. i pray that she can overcome this and be reborn again.

i find myself not able to get happy after knowing this, despite going out and enjoying myself for today. suddenly all the other things in life seem so insignificant than to be healthy.. someone add me in frenster and i log in. all the profiles, captions, testimonials inside are so useless, so unimportant, so comical that i couldnt help but laugh. laugh at the stupidity of mankind and the fools in all of us.

been hoping to find the meaning in life, of life, abt life and all.. maybe the real reason why we're here is simply to get it over and done with.

i feel so small suddenly.. as if the whole world except me is being put under a magnifying glass. the horrors of nature. we cant escape its clutches and there's nowhere to hide.

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